Fantasy Knives

Fantasy Knives is a selection of knifes you can display on your walls
£29.95 £19.95 MRP £39.95
Demon Fantasy Dagger on stand (106350-70)
A demon themed fantasy dagger Demon Fantasy Dagger on stand (106350-70)..
£29.95 £19.95 MRP £39.95
Eastern Dragon and Snake Fantasy Dagger Set (HK03086W)
An eastern dragon and snake fantasy dagger set Eastern Dragon and Snake Stand Fantasy Dagger Set..
£34.95 £24.95 MRP £45.95
Fantasy Bat Dagger on Stand (108120-70)
A fantasy dagger with a bat theme on a stand Fantasy Bat Dagger on Stand (108120-70)..
£29.95 MRP £39.95
Native American Themed Knive and Stand (WK039)
An engraved knife with a native American themed base to rest it in Native American Themed Knive a..
£34.95 £24.95 MRP £49.95
Skull and Bones Dagger with Simargl Stand (HK03094)
A skull handle dagger with boned hilt which rests in a Simargl (mythological, winged dog) stand ..
£29.95 £19.95 MRP £39.95
Skull and Dragon Fantasy Dagger on Plaque (SK0402)
A skull themed fantasy dagger with green gem on a plaque Skull and Dragon Fantasy Dagger on Plaq..